Thursday, August 12, 2010

Not Back-to-School Blog Hop: School Room Week

Not Back to School Blog Hop

I thought I would join in this blog hop and show off our school room/hopefully most days it will become a dining room again so we can eat in there instead on the couch. I wanted to escape the classroom feel with desks and what not and thought it would feel great to gather around the table and just do our thing however it may unfold. We do have a little desk for Izzy to sit at when she wants to "do school" to try to get her excited and less likely to be destructive (I realize how fruitless this effort likely is but I needed to put the desk somewhere). So this is what we have so far I imagine by next year we will have grown out of it and will take over the playroom but for now I wanted that division.

Our school room


  1. Looks great. I do agree though that you need more shelves!!! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Great space, thanks for sharing!
