Friday, May 4, 2012

Day 5 - Emotional

I woke up today bounding with energy, ready for juice! Although it has been a very emotional day, I think this fast is causing some major hormonal shifts. I thought I was losing my mind a little crying one minute, yelling at someone the next. I am glad it is bringing it on because I hope that it means it is working to balance my hormones which I need. Hopefully tomorrow I will be a little more level headed. I am down another pound today for a total of 11 something. I am still battling the urge to grab something off the kids plates, but I believe it is just my emotional need for food not a physical need. Usually that happens when I am bored or frustrated.

My little skin problem is clearing up more and more each day, I am actually really amazed, it is such a big difference.This weekend is going to be trying for me as Troy is off camping with the boy. He has been awesome about taking care of meals and letting me take a break when I want to break. Plus I am pretty certain he would wrestle the food out of my hands if I tried to eat something. But I am going to keep my eyes on Monday, when he is planning to start his juice fast. I will be happy to have someone feeling my pain, although dealing with Mr. Grumpy for the first few days will suck.

Here is all the beauties I have been feasting on today:

Now I off to clean up the kitchen I think it will help me not want to eat, because I won't want to mess up my clean kitchen. 


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