Tuesday, September 30, 2014

My first (and second) official "Little Blue House" project

We still have quite a bit to unpack and a bit more to move here still, but I can't resist getting the major areas of the house in order, and making them a little pretty while I continue to drudge on with the moving and unpacking.

So if it is not well known yet it shall be soon that I LOVE chalkboard stuff, I put chalkboard paint, contact paper and labels on anything and everything, don't know why it just makes me happy. And don't get me started on the discovery of chalk markers, I get to enjoy the prettiness of chalk boards without the pain of chalk dust, shut your mouth!

If you haven't gathered already my first project or two involved chalkboards! The first was in my kitchen, I knew when we walked through the house that these cabinet doors had to go, they had at least a one inch gap! (the cabinets on the left)

Here it is after their glorious reveal, whomp, whomp, whomp. I was hoping to paint the wall or back of the cabinet but with these fine pieces of cabinetry hanging paraphernalia I had devise another plan.

So after much debate I went with foam core and chalkboard contact paper from Hobby Lobby. It was actually nice and quick, aside from a couple issues with a less than level shelf.
 I haven't quite finalized my shelf selections I am sure they will evolve but in the meantime my kids know where everything goes and I have a nice open shelf to look at.

Project number two has been on my Pinterest board from the first time we looked at this house and I envisioned stairs in my life. A nice little entry way decor just right for a homeschooling family full of kids. I see it being used for reminders, love notes, fun little family things, and of course little hands doodles. It kind of helps make this awkward wall just right for us.

And let me tell you a wall full of hanging hooks is like gold around here, each of my children have a tote bag for each activity: AWANA, American Heritage Girls, Co-op, Library book bags, etc. All of our bags are labeled accordingly now it is just matching them up to the right hooks which is much easier when labeled.
Please excuse the drip marks, chalkboard paint is kind of runny and it got a little out of hand, it also took an entire can for this small wall. We still have an entire house full of trim to cover with some high gloss white to make cleaning a little easier and cover up these first time painters "Oops" marks.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Little Blue House

We have been through a rough year (understatement). Despite every reason we had not to, a few weeks ago we closed on our little blue house, I know it is just a house, but to us it symbolizes so much more. It isn't going to fix our problems or make us whole, but it is a new home in which to make new memories, make a fresh start and it is a place were healing won't be hindered by bad memories. And as an added bonus we aren't throwing our money away each month on a place we don't own and it is less than it cost us to rent.

Here is the best picture I have thus far, I really didn't want the neighbors to think I was crazy doing a little photo shoot with my house, but I don't think they care for us much after the previous owners bad mouthed us (they were apparently unaware that a contract was binding).

It is definitely a fixer upper, but not in a bad, immediate, unlivable way. We have lots of plans and we think this little house has so much potential. I have already officially checked off my first project which I will post later.

We are busy painting rooms and unpacking, and finding crazy half-azzed "handy-work" done by the previous owner everyday. But we are happy with are little blue house and look forward to our own handy work in the future.

So hold on to your seats folks, you are about to be over inundated with endless DIY glory, at least that is my plan!

Next up I will give a you a before picture tour, so you can appreciate my hard work in future posts!