Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 1

Day 1 down only a whole lot more to go! So I have determined that the prospect of no food to eat makes me want to eat that much more. And also while beets are not terrible, they are not exactly awesome, but what is awesome is I ate my first beet (well drank it).

Here is my setup this juicer pretty much takes one entire counter when I get started and it is a little slow BUT the juice is really good. Troy poured over all the information he could find to narrow down to the Omega it is a masticating juicer which means instead of a blade chopping everything, it crushes and mashes the juice out of the fruits & veggies.

So I am starting out with a fruitier juice in the morning and then slowly working up to more veggies. This one is my breakfast jucie!

2 cups red cabbage
1 cup spinach
2 carrots
2 granny smith apples
2 pears (Asian pears taste the best)
1/2 lemon
1/2 lime
big ol' hunk of ginger

It wasn't very pretty today, usually it is a lovely magenta I think I add to much spinach.

 I also have found that I am going to have to build up to all veggie! Troy made one today that was not good, not good at all. I also found an awesome and half fix for my savory taste buds, veggie broth, I made some for "dinner", it was good!

We watched Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead with the kids this morning. I wanted them to understand why I was drinking juice for 30+ days so I figured that was the best way. We talked about it afterwards and tomorrow I will have some kind of nutrition lapbook for them to work on. I am also going to have them create a healthy meal menu for the rest of the week which will include juice!

Come back tomorrow because I heard Day 2 is the freaking worst and I will start tracking my weight loss.

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