Sunday, August 26, 2012

A day in our life!

I have participating in the Not-Back-To-School Blog Hop this month. This weeks topic is a day in the life. While it may not be as much eye candy as say the week with homeschool rooms, but it is definitely my favorite week to surf other blogs for ideas. I think my biggest problem comes with my lack of routine and consistency and I love to see how other people do it so I can glean a few tidbits of wisdom from those more organized and/or seasoned than I. But I will share a little about a day in our life first:

I have actually gotten in to a pretty good (for me) routine in the morning, the problem I am having is continuing to build the routine past that point.

5:45 I get up and get myself ready (which includes a few minutes of computer time if I am not super lazy)
6:30 my Littles get woken up, they get dressed and breakfast and Izzy is learning to use her Accountable Kid cards which includes making the bed, brushing teeth and hair and that sort of thing.
7:00 - The Bigs get up rudely and abruptly because they are tired from staying up and reading all night (good problem to have but still). They start to work on their cards, they are left to finish their cards till school starts @ 8:00.
7:30 - I start the Littles circle time and then Izzy gets started on her workboxes.
I admit hers are kind of ghetto right now with their post-it notes and packing tape but I have a slim printing budget and really it works for now because her and her little sister destroy everything.
We have gotten into a regular schedule with her workboxes which helps with keeping her in a nice routine. 
  • Box 1: Calendar Folder
  • Box 2: Game or Activity (I usually pick one that will last a while so I can start with her siblings)
  • Box 3: Language Arts Activities (this is alot of her curriculum work we are using MFW Kindergarten) it includes a worksheet, flash cards, tactile letter activities.
  • Box 4: Sunday School worksheets (this one was her idea, so she can get her prize on Sunday for completing it)
  • Box 5: Book of the Week (from our curriculum)
  • Box 6: Math-U-See Primer
  • Box 7: Art Activity/Lapbook
  • Box 8: Science/Sensory Table
  • Box 9: Handwriting
8:00 - The Bigs get started, we try to knock out a majority of our group time first off, because it becomes a pain to bring everyone back together later. We work on Bible & History and then the start with their workboxes which I modified to a  file folder system. They have numbers that correspond to each folder and then the items that don't involve the file folders like Spanish (on the computer) or our writing and science centers.

Their boxes look something like this:
  • Box 1: Vocabulary
  • Box 2: English
  • Box 3:File Folder Game
  • Box 4: Spanish
  • Box 5: Math-U-See
  • Box 6: Art
  • Box 7: Writing
  • Box 8: Computer (Reading Eggs)
  • Box 9: Baseball/Softball/Dance Conditioning
  • Box 10: Science
  • Box 11: Lapbook/History Pocket Activities
  • Box 12: Reading

This is our science center it has the scientific method, days of creation, periodic table and center rules. I have included these cute lab sheets which the Bigs fill out together when they work on their science experiments. The little plastic box has all the supplies for their experiment. I use these great shelves I got from my Grandpa, they fold up which is nice on the days when we don't have science although they are heavy.

This is the writing center for my oldest I got the idea for here it is helping to get her through a particularly frustrating subject (and please don't mention the error in my board, I know, I know my husband snickers every time he sees it)

We are usually done by 12:00 (except my oldest who seems to be quite skilled at wasting exceptional amounts of time!) And after lunch is when I start trying to pull everything together schedule/routine wise and fail miserably but every new day offers hope right!


  1. Your days look great! And very well organized, especially considering how young they all are!

  2. I love your science and writing centers!

  3. I like your workbox set up! Love the poster boards for centers!

  4. Wow, you are so organized! Beautiful system. Enoy your school year...they grow up so fast!
