Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 25

So last night after my post I really needed to get out of this funk, so I started trying to surf for motivation. I found a video on youtube of a women 7 months after a 28 day fast, she basically got to where I did and started feeling like she needed to eat or at least wanted really bad to eat and she let it get a hold of her and it was just one bad food choice after another she gained back all the weight she lost and then some. And it was then I decided I don't want to be her, I have been her most of my life. So I put on my big girl pants and decided to get over it. I am going to finish strong and make good decisions about food right out of the gate. And it doesn't hurt my motivation that I went to get a shirt at the store, I picked up my usual size and was shocked at how big it was, so I picked up the next size down still way to big, that's right down 2 shirt sizes, I haven't worn a large in years I am so excited! Look out goodwill you are getting all my fat lady shirts!

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